
Protecting society from fire 

Delegates attending the Fire Sprinkler International 2022 conference programme will experience two days of inspiring and informative presentations delivered by over 50 experts in the sector from all over the world. 

Regulations, innovation, sprinkler applications, environmental aspects and quality assurance are themes through the programme. Warehouses are increasingly large and automated… Their protection is a major theme of this year’s conference. As always, we will hear updates on international standards from those who write them.  

Plenary sessions begin each day followed by 3 parallel assemblies focussing on: 

DAY 1 

Afternoon 1 

Automatic Storage Retrieval Systems, Residential Fire Protection, Testing & Installations 

Afternoon 2 

Sprinkler Applications, Performance-based design, Water Mist in applications 

DAY 2 


Applications, Standards 1, Corrosion & long term performance 


Environmental aspects, Standards 11, Cultural heritage 

New to Fire Sprinkler International events, we have introduced two panel sessions, one at the conference opening and one at the close.

Leaders in fire safety regulations and the fire sprinkler industry will give their vision of the short- and medium-term future. 
